Wearable ECG and physical activity monitor

Are you looking for:

  • 24/7 waterproof ECG measurements.
  • Reliable and accurate measurement results.
  • ECG and physical activity data.
  • A platform to efficiently realize your own applications.

Then the wearable ECG necklace is the system you are looking for.

ECG Necklace benefits

  • Clinical grade data collection.
  • Comfortable design.
  • 7 days battery lifetime.
  • Store data in-device or transmit real-time.

Unique treatment and research

Product features

The ECG Necklace enables researchers to collect synchronised electrocardiogram (ECG) and physical activity data reliably and accurately in real-life situations. For healthcare applications, the ultra-light, unobtrusive design has a positive effect on compliance. With a compact battery that allows 7 days of continuous measurements, it is highly suitable for applications that require long term ECG monitoring of people in their home environment. Combination of these unique features provides a solid foundation for the realization of new applications in healthcare and research.

Typical applications include:

  • ECG holter monitoring
  • HRV (heart rate variability) measurements
  • Validation of PPG or chest strap Heart Rate sensors against ECG

Data visualisation and analyses

Signal visualization and analysis can be done with compatible software or tools such as EDFbrowser.

With integrated algorithms, the ECG and activity signals can be automatically translated into meaningful information for use in an app on a smartphone or tablet. Real-time ECG and physical activity can be visualised. The ECG data recordings are stored on the device and can be exported for processing or further analyses using our MOX data analysis tool for detailed heart rate variability (HRV) and activity analysis, or using other common statistical programs or software.


Depending on the application, the platform can be adjusted to customer specific requirements. The open platform technology allows researchers and care providers to integrate the measurement solution optimally into their applications. Furthermore, the available platform can be tailor-made for companies that want to market an OEM or customer-specific product.

Read more on our dedicated website: https://www.ecgnecklace.com/